Happy New Year! Let’s Get Cleansing

Happy New Year My Peeps!!

I am feeling so… optimistic about this year. I REALLY want it to be a good one.

And I have to tell you that 2017 was a bit rough for our family – not in terrible ways or even really that bad. It just wasn’t GREAT, y’know? And honestly, it hasn’t started off that well so far because all 6 of us have been recovering from the WORST. COLD. IN. THE. UNIVERSE. It’s the sickness that doesn’t die.
Listen sickness. I’m going to kill you. It’s on.

So, in the spirit of get rid of bad germs/vibes/negative energy, I’m thinking I’ll start 2018 by doing a cleansing of the house. I’m not entirely sure I believe in it all, but hey, I DO believe in the placebo effect!! If I WILL it, IT WILL BE!! I found this easy to understand article here about burning sage or sandalwood. Yes. I can do that. Easily enough, I plopped over to Etsy and grabbed 3 bundles from Weekend Warrior TX for $3.75 for a 3″er. There is a 5″ option, but maybe that seems like a lot… or perhaps I needed a 10″ with these knuckleheads. Who knows? We’ll see how cleansed I feel after one, and the others should make a nice gift to my mom and friend. (Hi Mom!)

So that’s fun.

I’m not sure how crazy I’m going to get with resolutions, but I definitely need to get my butt back into the powder room with some drywall and I’d love to grow my following on Chairish. Selling has been a surprising new hobby, that has certainly taken me away from home stuff, but I’m having fun for now and I’m all about letting my heart roam where it wants. One day, fix up a vintage piece… the next sew up a cushion. I’m happy with that.

Of course, if I had to nail down a few improvements I’m looking to make this year, it’s to keep the house tidier and to drink more water and to HAVE MORE FUN!! My boys have been slowly coming around to helping me more with chores and that’s going to continue (much to their dismay, I’m sure). In the past, I held on for dear life and was just happy if there were clean socks in the morning. But it’s the future now and it’d be nice if I didn’t say things like “dear life.” Or things like, “Did you flush?”, “What’s in that tissue on the floor?”, “How long has it been since we cleaned your ears?” I literally said all of these before 8am this morning. So, baby steps.

And progress is really all we can aim for. Be better humans. Period. And if you’re feeling damn extra, figure out why the lights keep making those weird noises.



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