Browsing Category: Projects

Making The Old Vanity Pulls New


Hope you’ve all had excellent weekends!  You know I’m currently loving the peace in the house on my Monday morning 😉  It looks like a freaking hurricane went through, but at least it’s quiet… amiright?!

Anyhoo, I wanted to show you a few updates in the powder bath and one that I’m particularly happy with- The new pulls on the vanity!  Well, actually they’re not totally new… here I’ll show ya.

Here was my plan showing the vanity with it’s original finish and hardware.  The pulls are actually two pieces, with a flower detail and hanging/swinging part that gets pulled.

I really loved the look of the little brass flowers!!  But how could I keep those…????

My thought was to get an acrylic rod cut to size and use the flowers to hold it in place.  I contacted this Etsy seller, 4CloverInc, who was super nice and cut the pieces down to size for me!  Then I gathered these supplies…

The secret sauce are the tension pins.  I searched high and low for the perfect size and ended up spending some $$ on these because they were literally MY ONLY OPTION!  I use Gorilla Epoxy for lots of stuff, so that’s just a great adhesive to have on hand.

To make the holes for the tension pins, I used three different drill bit sizes.  I started with a bit that has a sharp tip because it really made a great first hole.  (That’s what she said.)

Then I used increasing sizes to get the perfect sized hole for the tension pin.

Aren’t these pictures awesome?  Not.  They didn’t look so badly on my phone, but now, yikes.  At least you know this stuff will work – I promise you that!  Once you’ve gotten the hole drilled, add some epoxy and the pin, and then let it dry.

The only negative was that the existing holes in the vanity were much too high.  I drilled in new holes as far down as I could so that the patch would still be pretty hidden from view.  I HATE when you can see patches… and then people act like you can’t, but you TOTALLY can.  It’s awkward.

Yay!!  But you can’t see the previous holes here… Phew!

There’s one little snag on these pulls, and that’s the clearance between the rod and drawer.  There is not enough room to put my fingers through!  I thought about adding in spacers, but then the flowers would float off the drawer front, and I wasn’t loving the idea.  Honestly, these aren’t used very much (if at all) since they’re in a powder room, so I’m ok with it.  They DO work, which is really all that matters… Oh, and they look cute as hell.

Slowly, (at snail’s pace) I’m making a few additions here and there to the bathroom.  I tried to put in the wrought iron shelving that was in the original plan, but alas, it’s way too tight in the corner.

I do feel like something is missing there, but it will have to be A LOT more narrow.  And the room is certainly in desperate need of art.  It’s just that I’m scared to put stuff up and then I’ll find the perfect narrow piece and have holes in my gorgeous wallpaper!

The fear is REAL.

It’s kinda fun to see how the room turned out from the original plan.  I can’t believe how close it is!

Any ideas for my narrow corner area?  Have you done anything new and fun in a bathroom?

Deciding on a Mirror

Me and my first world problems.  I swear, you guys.  No really, I’m swearing.  I did my best to have a great plan (laid out here) and sadly, I’ve had nothing but stumbles and delays.  Sigh.

Like I said, don’t feel sorry for me… I’m decorating a new bathroom, pooooooorrrr little ol me.

You must be thinking, gf, you still don’t have a freaking mirror in that bathroom.  And the answer to that is, “No, no I don’t.”  I really wanted to get the drawers in so that I could see what everything would look like with the wood grain of the vanity and brass of the lights and faucet.  Needless to say, I’ve had my fun with the drawers – more on that to come later.  (I’m so much fun, aren’t I?!  Insert You – “YAY!  She’s going to talk about the drawers!!  Whoooo!!  I cannot wait!!”)


I totally thought that in my stash of mirrors I’d find the perfect candidate.  I mean, cummon, this chick has a plethora of options.  Surely one would work.  Well…. let’s see what you think.  Here are the 4 that I actually photographed.

This one above I think is the only option I would consider.  I feel like the shape is interesting and the scale works, though hung higher, obviously.  However, there are some problems here… the frame needs some tlc and the mirror itself should either be more antiqued or changed out for a new one since there are 3-4 spots on it.  Changing out the mirror could cost a pretty penny with those curves.  Hmmm…..

This round mirror was originally the mirror I thought I would go with.  I do like it… I think…. I just don’t love it, you know?  Maybe it’s because the frame is so narrow?

Ahhhh!  That red tone is hurting my eyes!!

I really hate this one.  I thought maybe I could just paint it or give a tortoise shell treatment (I say this as if I’m Picasso or something), but no, no, NO.  Yuck.

Basically unless you all tell me how much you love option 1 or 2, then I need to get out there and hunt for another mirror.  I need to be real careful since I don’t want to put unnecessary holes into that fabulous wallpaper.  Wink.  At least there’s something I like!  HA!

Randomly I spotted these… okay, not randomly at. all.  I was sitting here, trying not to yell “Stop jumping on the sofa” for the millionth time and decided to look at mirrors.  Sanity check.  Do not slap children.  Check.  Do not curse at children.  Check, check.

Breathe in, breathe out.  I’m still good.

Oh ya.  Mirrors.

This has all the makings of something I could pick.  Might just put that in the cart…

Hot damn, this one is pretty amazing!!  A sun in the trees!  Uh oh wallet.

Just measured cause I figured, F it, and it DOESN’T FIT!!  Whaaaaa-mublance.  I’m so annoyed, now.  Kids are being so loud and the perfect mirror won’t work.  Why world?!?!

Wait.  What about this one?

Another neat option…Me and my fickle heart.

Nawwwww.  I’m still mad about the first round mirror.  I highly doubt the brass colors would work together but ssstttiiiillllll!

What am I going to do?!?!?!?

European Light Fixtures


My adventures in powder bath land continue, dear friends.  I take two steps forward, one step back.

‘Cause opposites attract.  You know!!

Annnyyywwaayyss, the most recent hair pulling problem in the bath has been the Maison Arlus sconces.  Wait.  Didn’t I already have an issue with these?!  Actually, I did!  The base situation in this post, which I was able to fix with some new brass parts from Grand Brass.  My latest problem was the actual amount of light that these suckers produced.  My tiny brain had not even fathomed this is a possible issue.  Sometimes, I can’t even.

Here I snapped a pic without any adjustments.

It’s extremely dark!  And since these are the only lights in the room, this shiz was just not going to work.  I figured that an easy solution would be to change out the bulb for something LED, that’s low voltage but much brighter.  You guys, I embarked on a wild light bulb goose chase!  I had no idea how difficult it would be to find the correct sized bulb.

The issue is that the lights were made in France.  And the size of the bulb, E14 is not sold in any of the stores around me!  Grrr!  I was actually thinking that I would have to (SOB!) sell my beloved sconces.  But then a solution emerged – From Amazon, no less!  A BULB CONVERTER!

An idea I was floating around (amongst 100 others) was trying to rewire them myself… Which lead me to check out lighting parts… Which then lead me to a converter.  Phew.  It’s the journey, right?

These little suckers cost less than $8 and they will convert your Euro sized bulb into a candelabra size.  So utterly amazing.  That allowed me all the options and I was able to find a nice bright bulb that would fit into the narrow glass sconce.

You simply screw on the adapter and then screw your bulb in.  So easy.  So satisfying.

Here’s the same shot, no enhancements, with the new bulbs and glass shades on.

Let there be light!!  Ahhhh, I can finally see where the toilet is.

Progress is being made, albeit VERY slowly.  Summer is seriously kicking my butt.  At least all the wallpaper is up, toilet and sink are in and now I have LIGHTS!!  Whoo!!  Next up is fixing the drawers on the vanity (can you see that cray plumbing in there?!).  The debate is whether I try to salvage any drawer space or glue/screw them in place?  The bottom works great for TP and extra towels… hmmm.  The lazy side of me just wants. to. be. done.  What say you?

Well, that’s it for now!