Browsing Category: Projects

Finished the Couch – or did I?!

TGIM.  Sometimes I’m relieved it’s Monday so I can go into the office and just have a few hours of uninterrupted quiet time…not that it’s quiet in the office, but just for that time, I’m focused.  At home, even when I’m being productive, I’m thinking about the other 10 things I could be doing and the kiddos are adding their own list of Mommy-to-do’s.  You know what I’m talking about, right?!  So after the Father’s Day festivities, yeah, TGIM.

But on with the show!  Here is my couch, sans covers…



12 cushions and 1 ottoman… doesn’t seem so daunting, until you’re on #5 and there’s still a long way to go.  But totally doable in 10-20 minute increments (which is what I did since if I even touched the sofa, the boys would immediately start doing gymnastic karate moves on it).

From this far back, the cushions look like they’re in fairly good shape… why even cover them?  To you and I, couch means “a place to sit on,” but to the munchkins it’s “where I wipe my hands and boogers, where I set my mashed up banana, where it’s best to test the reliability of a sippy cup.”  For the record they’re not all that reliable.

Please don’t judge me too much (deep breath) but here’s why covers were VERY needed…


And cleaning ain’t cheap – $350 a go ’round.  I went to downtown LA and ended up buying 10 yards of $2 dollar fabric.  I made the ottoman cover and then lived with it for about 2 weeks.  Washed it, man handled it, changed diapers on it – really tested ‘er out.  That discount fabric held up, so I went back and NOOOOO!!, they only had 20 more yards.  I figured that I would just mix some fabrics; Shouldn’t be too hard to find something fun, right?  I also got 10 yards of flexible vinyl that I put under the fabric to protect the cushions from spills.

My inspiration is something like this… I love, love the way the designer mixed the fabric colors and textures.  Of course, this sofa is cute and small and mine is huge, but it’s inspiration.


My problem always has been, where to stop.  When I’m buying fabric I always gravitate toward crazy colors and patterns – they’re just so much more fun to buy and sew!!  But for the couch I tried to urge my inner self to go neutral – I tried!

Step one – The actual cushions


Step 2 – The OutersDSCN1320

Step 3 – Pillows for Sure and A Revamp??

I’m not entirely happy with how the covers are looking.  Ironing and pinning might be the play (but ironing makes me angry), and then the red fabric… well, I’m not sold on it.  Ed says it’s too Morroccan…and he’s not wrong.  Maybe just take off the outers?  Any thoughts Amigos?

I won’t bore you with all the how-to’s but basically I cut the fabric to size + 0.5″ for the seam and pinned it in place to fully match the shape of the cushions and frame.  That way I would be sure the cover would be fitted (since some of the cushions are worn more in one area than another).  I numbered them on the back to keep track of which goes where.  I also added super long zippers, ’cause who wants to tug and pull these puppies on?  Not I!!  I know I’ll be washing them weekly, so the easier the better.  (PS  These have already been washed about 3 times.)  Got the zippers on Amazon for cheapo and they work great!  All said and done, I ended up using about 40 yards of fabric.  Wowee.

There you have it!  The fruits of my labors, I’m talking about the cushions although those boys qualify too!  Didn’t I say they could resist this darn couch?!?!

Hope you get some rest from your weekend today =)

Lights On!

So what have I been up to?  Not posting too much, but at least I’ve managed to cross a few to-do’s off the list.  Doesn’t that just feel sssoooooo good?!  I only really make lists so I can cross something off and then I’m like Mrs. da S-H-I-T for the moment.  Yeah, I feel that good when I get stuff Done.

I’ll elaborate more tomorrow, but for today (drum roll) I got the light up in the hallway.  That’s her home for now, I may move her later to my closet since she’s a bit of a girlie-girl, but I’m very pleased with my piece.  Again, here’s what she looked like when I got her for $4 bucks at the ReStore store…


First thing I did was break the entire glass piece out.  I debated taking them all out for continuity, but really, who’s going to notice it when it’s up high that only one panel is missing??  So, out it went!  Then I taped both sides of the glass – not fun.  Primer – better fun.


High gloss red paint – mucho fun!


Notice the small holes at the bottom.  I made those with a handy tool that I found at Joanne’s.  Yay, for the 40% off coupon, so this bad boy was mine for about 8 buckeroos.  New toy to play with!!  Giddiness!!  (There was a similar tool on Amazon for about $14, and nothing even close at Lowe’s.)


And it worked perfectly to make teeny tiny holes for teeny tiny bells (of course)!  Remember that I’d had “the bells” a few posts ago… I’m such a nerd.  At least I think I’m witty.


I also got these at Joanne’s in the bridal section for $2 dolla – Holla!

I asked my FIL (Father-in-law) to help me put all the pieces together with a light kit I was taking down anyway.  He got ‘er connected and mounted all right.  I purchased this fancy bulb that’s supposed to last a million years – 12 in human, but that’s a million in bulb years 😉  And here she is….

Shot from Kobe height



Shot from Jessica height

I’m liking the fun shadows on the walls and ceiling, although looking at this picture, my walls seem so … sad.  They need a bit of color, yes?  A definite treatment is in the works for you my hall.  Don’t talk to your walls like I do?  Start!  It’s the only place I get a word in around here!!!

New Door!

Howdy Friends!!

I’m so excited that I just couldn’t wait for the “final” to show you my new beautiful door!  This bathroom has been a sore subject with me the last few years.  I just can’t decide what to do with her.  Here’s the problem – She’s really not that bad, but the layout is kinda weird, so to do the easy fixes wouldn’t really solve the problems I have with her.  Ugh!  What to do?!  The one thing I knew was a MUST was changing out the door.


So, I don’t think the lights are on, but it’s super sunny outside and it feels dark in here.  Always.  I went to the big guys first, Lowes and Home Depot, and they didn’t have exactly what I was looking for.  And I love Lowes (so no knock here) but the price was kinda steep for 2nd best.  I ended up going on-line, pricing out tons of doors and getting referred to Jose over at Stock N Building Lumber.  He was a big help and we picked out the perfect door!  AND the price wasn’t too bad… higher than others but when you’re getting what you want, isn’t it worth it?!  It’s a door, for gosh sakes, you’re not gonna change that anytime soon!


Yes, I need to paint the door – She’s so naked!!  But I’m loving the light and the shade inside the door is CCCCOOOOOOLLLL!!  The bathroom still has tons of issues (avert your eyes from the half-light switch), but at least one thing has been righted.  For now, the compulsive remodeler in me is quieted… we’ll see how long that lasts!