
Hi!  How’s everyone doing this fine Friday?

Only a few more weeks of summer weather left, and I wanted to share with you an art idea that you can do with the kiddies or with the buddies – all ages will enjoy this.  Promise!  AND you’ll end up with a super fun piece of art.


Here’s what I did… I printed out a few dartboard patterns on watercolor paper right off the computer.  (It’s thicker than regular paper, which is perfect and if your paper is too big, like mine was, just cut ‘er down to size.  No problemo!)

Here’s the pattern I came up with or you can create your own.

What can I say?  I’m a sharer.


While at Target, I picked up a set of 3 squirt guns for a whole dollar.  Quite an investment in fun.

I let my boys pick out their own colors, and wouldn’t you know, they picked red, yellow and blue.  “Primary Colors!”, I shouted.  An accident?  I think not, my friends.

Anyway, after patting myself on the back for such genius progeny, I filled the guns with a bit of paint and a bunch of water.  The key is to keep it super liquidy so the paint shoots out easily.  Test each one prior – you don’t want someone getting all pissy cause their gun doesn’t work.

Line up the cowboys, and have a good ‘ol shoot out!


If I were doing this at a BBQ, I’d let the winner keep his victory bullseye.  Super cute party gift!


Can you tell who won?  Definitely not the kid who got beaned in the back of the head with yellow paint!  Luckily, it washes out easily.


Looks like yellow’s aim is improving!

After it dried, I simply put it into a frame with a matting.  This one is from JCPenney, Sutton Ash Frame.

A work of art and a great reminder of fun in the sun with my boys!

Although… I can really see a bunch of drunk people enjoying this.  I think it would get just as out of hand.  Great for photos!

Let me know if you try out my Bullseye art idea!

Happy Creating!


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