Browsing Category: Finds

Thrift Store Hunting

Hi there!

Last Friday I was lucky enough to make it into two thrift stores, the Restore and Goodwill.  And wouldn’t you know that the Goodwill (at least the one near me) has 50% on Fridays during the summer?!  It’s always fun to see what someone has donated and even more fun when you come home with a new treasure or project or BOTH!

Foreshadowing?  Yes!  One of these is now chillin’ in the garage along with 10 other projects.  Oy vey!

These vessels were unmarked, but omg, they are fabulous!! Especially the lower, oval ones!
You can’t see how incredibly long this baby is, but it’s over 8 ft. Perfect for a hallway or plain wall that needs some interest… $125
Grandpa cool for $200
Etagere for $25, missing the glass

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$15 Thrift Store Friday

Hi All!!

So last Friday after dropping the boys off from school I decided to detour to a local Goodwill and just see if anything caught my eye.  Little did I know that there was a major sale going on… Yes, they have sales at the Goodwill!  And yes, there was a line around the building!  Crazy yo.

I was seriously shocked at how many people were waiting… that was until I saw brand new mattresses for $50!  And some really nice sofas… used, but super clean y’all.  Like, probably cleaner than my own sofa!  Anyhow, I’ve never really purchased anything “big” at a Goodwill, but maybe it’s in my future!  Confucius say, saving money is bomb… or something like that.

Anyway, I walked out spending $15 dollars and delighted with my little Friday jaunt.

IMG_2707 IMG_2706 IMG_2709So, did I get anything that I needed?  Well, no but still!  So fun!

The duvet I grabbed for my nanny who has two girls and ‘cummon, one always needs linens.  The military fabric is simply cool.  I have no plans for it but I needed to own it.  I’m a sucker for Christmas stuff, so that was a no-brainer and obviously, I’m also addicted to needlepoint.  I just love how it’s handmade – so charming!  And, Hello!  That bowl contraption, it’s really beautiful in person, although I don’t think it’s old or anything… I guess it could be… who knows!  I just like it!! The pedestal will look cute for Savannah and the vases, could you resist those?!

Anything here you would have snagged too??

Happy Creating and happy Monday!  Jessica


Popping Tags at the Restore Store – Spring 2015

About once a month I take a little detour to check out the pieces at my local Restore Habitat for Humanity Store.  If you remember, this is where I scored the HUGE pile of cabinets that later became The Mother.

So really, you just never know what you’re going to walk out of there with!!

And spoiler alert… I did come out pretty darn happy with one of these pieces. Try to guess!!

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Chandelier with potential! $25
Dresser $195 Remind me why I didn’t buy this beautiful thing?!?
Woven Shelves $20
Cabinet with brass handles (so much nicer in person) $200
Chair $50
Tiles in chocolate $1 each
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Chaise (take the skirt off!) $150
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Bench with gold metal legs – $100
Desk Chair with Wood detail $45
Awesome side board $495 Imagine all the cool glassware you could store here!!
Pair of Side Tables $140
Red Velvet $65

These are the listed prices but if you ask nicely you can usually get a bit taken off the top.

Like Red Velvet??  I did too, so I snagged ‘er up for $40!

I couldn’t resist those shell details!

And neither could Cruz, one of my twins… the other was the opposite of amused.


Actually that’s us at Sprout’s, but that’s how we roll… Slow and loco.

Do you frequent any great spots for gently used treasures?!?

Happy Creating!  Jessica