Browsing Category: Projects

A reminder to live with Passion!

TGIF!!  Hooty-who!

I’m especially t-i-r-e-d this week… maybe it’s the combination of the time change and the fact that my adorable (yet surprisingly manipulative) little Arrow has been waking me up 4-5 times a night.

For those of you with little ones… Isn’t it (almost) apprehensible what you will do to keep one child from waking up another?!?!  I’m now finally understanding why “the baby” gets all the preferential treatment – it’s sheer exhaustion.  With each addition to the family, my fight has dwindled… not to mention my sanity, but that goes without saying, I suppose.

Hm.  Is this why most men think their mother’s are crazy?  (They don’t realize that we’re still sleep deprived 30 years later.)

And is it strange that it’s mostly sons that think this, while daughters believe their mother’s are angels/crusaders/mythical beings/da bomb?

Wow.  A lot of revelations for a Friday.  Ok, I’ll get to it.  After I take a little swig of coffee… at least I can count on you, old friend.

So what’s on the agenda today?  Well, let me remind you of my boring hallway… Again.

DSCN1725Well, now she’s looking like this!

IMG_0184My husband and I eyed these a while back at the Rose Bowl, piled in a heap.  They are stainless steel letters 19″ tall.

The word PASSION spans a full 90″ down the hall.


IMG_0183 IMG_0186It’s difficult to photograph since the hall is so narrow, but I’m sure you get the idea.  I’m not sure about the runner yet, so don’t hold me to this one… I’ve been trying out a few, but it’s sooooo hard to decide!!!

Why the word passion?

It is a how our family lives.  When you have passion for life, what you can achieve is limitless.  My hope is that my sons will have passion, a bit of fire in their bellies… maybe not for the opposite sex until college. Please!

Do you have a “word” or saying that you live by?

Would you ever hang it on your wall to remind you to live that way everyday?

Happy Creating!  Tootles, Jessica

You Can Ring My Bell!!

Doorbells are like jewelry for your entryways.  And this girl, loves her “home jewelry!!”

Seriously, I could look at this stuff all day.  But now I need your input… Which of these is your favorite?  Most of them come in several finishes, so that’s up for debate too… Oh, the choices!!!  What sweet torture!

Do you have a favorite doorbell you’d love to share?  Please do!!  I’m on the hunt!


Curvy Button – $20.00



Leaf Filigree – $39.00



Avalon – $45.18


Hawk Hill Moderno – $76.50



“Press” – $9.49

mhr17 butterfly bbz

Butterfly – $55.00



Round Buzzer – $11.59


Leaf with Lady Bug – $27.00

So, I can’t lie and say I don’t have a few favorites in the bunch!  And my oldest has weighed in… surprising me by picking one of the front runners.

Maybe that sophisticated taste I think I have is not all that sophisticated?!?  HA!  I want charm… yes, that’s what I’m going for.  A charming welcome for all my family and friends.  Actually, it’ll be the mailman who’ll appreciate it the most since people usually just go in through the garage.


Baby steps.

Happy March! (Internal freak-out.)  AND Happy Creating, Jessica

A More Welcoming Entry Coming Your Way!


How are my people doing this week?  I’ve got several projects lined up and so Planning 101 is my current 24/7 obsession.

The easy part is pointing your finger and saying, I want to change that.

The much, much, MUCH harder part is figuring out exactly where to start and precisely where to put that money, money, money.  Enter, The Plan.  Yes, you need a plan if you’re going to do something right.  Or maybe you want to go crazy trying to make sh!t fit together last minute?!?  I didn’t think so.

So here’s mine… for now.

Exhibit A – My Front Door

DSCN3426And here’s what’s on the agenda…


IMG_0197 IMG_0200Did you know that you could literally just change out the glass panel in your front door WITHOUT having to go through the pain of installing an entirely new door?!?!?

Yes, you can!  And it’s really not that bad.  With installation, I’m looking at about $350.  It will be Old/New!

I have enlisted the help of Flash Glass to create a 2 beautiful panels to match the diamond beveled windows throughout the house.  More to come!!

Other than that, lots of paint, some art and schushing of sorts.

The bench was there when we purchased the house and we all kinda dig it’s quirkiness… it’s of a seahorse, if you can believe it!  So that will stay and I think I’m going black for the color.

The plants need some love, especially after the gardener stopped watering them for some unknown reason.  But they live!  So they’re staying… but those pots have gotta go.

And I’m thinking a new door bell would be cute.  Any ideas?!?  Where would you look?

That’s it for now!

Make each day count.  Happy Creating!  Jessica