I’ve Done It. Have You?

What the heck am I not so subtly referring to?  Well, ssshhhh, don’t tell anyone but I just recently grabbed a few pieces off furniture off the street.


Okay, so I know a lot of people do it, but honestly, I’m new into this world.

But what could I do when I saw this sticking out of a pile of rubble in front of one of the most eccentric houses in the neighborhood?!?!


Wait!  No, it couldn’t be bent plywood?!?  Or could it?!?!

It is!!

IMG_2494Check out the curves on her!!

As soon as I grabbed the chair I knew.  It’s a Thonet.

Exhibit A – A 1stdibs listing for said chairs at $2,200 for 4.


Omg, omg, omg, omg.


Granted, it had gotten a bit of love from the dog (in the form of bite marks) but over all, it’s not in too bad shape.  I can’t wait to see what’s under the upholstery!!


Anyone know what I should do with Sparky’s little chew toy?  Wood filler seems like a bad idea…

Okay, so I scored on my first attempt.  I figured that I’d drive by again a few days later to check out the crazy pile… which wasn’t so crazy any more.

Insert me kicking myself.

But, I did see a kinda sweet dresser/console.

Insert me dragging Ed to help muscle it into the SUV.

What do you think??

IMG_2499I don’t exactly know what happened but we could only find 5 drawers… Angry tears!!

Like, who takes a drawer?

Still, I think she’s pretty beautiful and so Mad Men chic.  It’s not exactly like the dresser below, but it was the best example I could find this morning… This one is $1,500 in great condition.

1830492_lYes, I realize that mine is in horrible, missing condition but ‘cummon, it’s still pretty freaking cool.  Am I right?!?!?

And get this, while we were searching through the rubble for those missing drawers, a little boy, probably about 7, literally walks out of the house.  My heart stops.  My face turns red.  Him?  He struts right by us, calm as a cucumber, as if the 2 of us there taking his cast-offs is the most natural thing in the world.

So, Ed says, “Hey there little buddy!  Got some of these drawers in your house?”

omg. omg. omg. omg.

I swear, sometimes I just love that man.  I laughed my ass off as soon as I got in the car… hell, I’m still cracking up about it.

Have you ever scored something amazing off the street??  DO TELL!!

Happy Creating!  Jessica

Have you Poached It?

Maybe this is old news, but me thinks not.

You must get a “Poach It” button.  Like now.  For reals.  (Even the 90’s in me is coming out, I’m so digging it!)


Well, because you can track the price of products that you like but might not buy unless they were on sale.

So cool.

So necessary, right?!  And, AND they even send you coupons.  Mind Blown.

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You’ll go to poachit.com and pick some stores to follow… you can see from my current home page that I’m following Target and World Market amongst others.

Then you’ll get a button for your header so that while you’re on Overstock or whatever you just click on the button and it will add it to your feed automatically.

How freaking easy is that?!?

Then you can track the product and even put in a target price.

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When it goes on sale or there’s a coupon, you’ll get a sweet little email alerting you.

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I have been poaching all kinds of things and I’ve really enjoyed it so far.  Obvs, there are a few holes… I really wanted these boots and when I got the alert my size was no longer available.  Tears!!  And it’d be even better if they would track all stores with the same item (like the boots I’m obviously not over).

But hey, it’s a start and I just love getting a smoking hot deal!!

Don’t you?!?

Happy Creating!  Jessica

Make your own Satchels!

Hi All!  Happy long weekend to you!

And if you are celebrating Easter tomorrow, then this project might be right up your alley for a little Saturday sew project!

Oh, and check this hunk out!  Just chillin’ at Target…

FullSizeRender-2So, back to satchels!

Baskets are sooooo 2014.  Am I right?!  And (don’t hate the sexist in me) they’re a bit girlie….oh, and they’re not all that fabulous at holding a bunch of eggs.

Enter the boy friendly, versatile, EASY TO MAKE bag that you can literally whip up with fabric scraps.

My measurements worked well for my boys, ages 3-5.

Let’s get to cutting!

4 rectangles 8.5″ x 10″ (2 for the lining inside, so those can be boring scraps)

2 rectangles (or triangle shaped) pieces for the flap roughly 5.5″ x 8.5″

A length of leather/vinyl/thick fabric for your strap 2.5″ x 58″ (I did this in 2 pieces and stitched em together)

FullSizeRender-3Just follow the picts!  And sew along the arrows!


This is what you’ll end up with


Stack the two, wrong sides out…


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Flip it inside out and press the seams.  Then, sew up the front

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Flip it, so the good parts are showing, and press that seam too.

Here’s is what you’ll have now

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Lastly, attach the strap!  Sew the inside fabric to the ugly side of your strap… all the way around the bag, but not the flap.

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Finish off the strap, by folding it over where the seam is already formed and stitch the sides.  This will make it nice and pretty.  See?

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Done and DONE!

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Now I just need some action shots!


Happy Creating!  Jessica