Browsing Category: Projects

Progress in the Powder Room

Hi y’all!

Since we last chatted I’ve been able to put in a few pretty minutes (hours, but who’s counting?) into the powder room.  My goal was to have a functioning toilet by my sisters shower (which is a mere 3 days away) and it’s still up in the air as to whether that will happen.

Wait, let’s back up a little.

You and I both know that the moulding had to go in, as well as, (dramatic music) the WALLPAPER!!  And you know what?!  I almost got both of those done.

Last week I picked out a day where I could literally hang wallpaper to my hearts content.  I figured that 3-4 hours should do the trick… ha… haha….hahaha.  Oh, naiveté.  I worked on the darn wallpaper from 9:30am until 4 and guess what?  I didn’t finish.  Here’s the wall that’s left – I’m seriously only about 3 panels from success.  (That’s what she said.)

The problem was that when I unrolled my last wallpaper roll, I realized that is was defective!!  There were sections with zero blue color and towards the middle there was just a black line going through the rest of the roll.  No part of the effing roll was usable.  Of course, I contacted Wallpaper Direct and they were extremely nice and helpful, but told me that it would take about 12 days to get another roll.

Hey, what’s another 12 days in the longest project ever?  Amiright?!

But check out that moulding!  Baby looks good!!  And I even spray painted the toilet pipe coming out of the wall.  (Of which I don’t have a photo of.  Aren’t I just lovely?)  An easy and very aesthetic improvement.  It’s the little things!

You may have noticed that the door is still a yellowish white and that’s because I’ve put off painting it.  Y’see I’m VERY scared to paint any of the trim/doors in the house because they were done professionally 10+ years ago with oil based paint.  As you probably know, oil is much more durable but it starts to yellow over time from sun exposure.  It’s also a PAIN to paint over – like sanding and priming and general UNFUNNESS.  I happened to find this GREAT option at Home Depot, which is an alkyd paint that is water-based, but looks and works like an oil-based paint.  It dries very hard and so pretty.  To paint my trim I would just need a light sanding and no primer!!  I bought a gallon of the stuff thinking that I would just go through the whole house and paint the moulding one room at a time – but that’s A. SCARY and B. my husband didn’t like my idea in a way that made it sound like an insane person had hatched it.  Usually I don’t listen to him AT ALL, ’cause boredom, but well, maybe he’s onto something…then again, Danger is my middle name.

Wouldn’t light gray doors look kinda beautiful?  That’s the idea swirling… instead of white.  I go white trim, and the softest shade of gray for the doors only.  Hmmmm….

So that’s where I’m at!

Just waiting for Gadot Wallpaper.

A Painted Tile Floor!!

Well hello there!

It’s Memorial Day weekend and the sales are poppin’! I have been perusing alllll the sites but being so good. Like, even I’m impressed with myself. Wait, I did buy a few suits from Target, like this one and this one and, oh ya, I have this sitting in my cart. But you guys, those are things I need. Like my sister is getting married and gf needs a new suit – I’m needy af.

Anyhoo, the big news around here is that I was finally able to paint the floor!! Wahoooo!! Progress feels so good, because I’m literally dying inside to put up the wallpaper. But home improvement is worst than following the rules of dating… there are so many steps and you MUST go in order or else disaster. Walls first, then ceiling, check, check, now floor and next is adding the moulding and painting said moulding…I’m not quite there yet, but aaalllmmmooosssttt!

Painting the floor has been the easiest step so far. And man, it does look really good. I’m VERY hopeful that the stain will hold up to 4 boys and lots of guests.

I purchased a pint of this (Not sure if it’s really a pint, but I like saying pint and feel like I don’t say pint enough in my daily life)-

I also grabbed the white color and started playing around with some extra tiles I had in the garage. For the samples I used a foam brush which really deposits a lot of stain on the tile. I worried that it wouldn’t dry well, but it totally did!! You could pour it on and it would dry hard – might take a century though. I contemplated a pattern, but nah, it just seemed too much.

I mixed them together… and when it dried, it dried totally flat and shiny as if it were lacquered.

Even though I was intrigued by the lighter colors, I just didn’t think they went very well with the wallpaper. I was VERY drawn to the darkest option, so when the hub agreed, I started painting immediately! White would have worked too, but too safe, right?!

I used fluffy 4″ rollers from the dollar store and rolled that stain on.

First coat, then second coat… The picture above is after 3 coats.

I allowed a day of dry time in-between coats and dang, this stuff smells!! Like if you want your kids to get superpowers then let them near it – it’s rough for a few days. I tried to keep the door closed with the fan on as much as my energy saving heart could stand.

But yeah, it smells.

That being said, the stain feels like it’s become one with the tile. I’ve walked on it and pushed the vanity on it (I’m a daredevil, I know) and so far, nothing. But we’ll see… I have my guard up in this love affair.

Before and After

Not too shabby for a $10 dollar fix!

I’m so happy and LOVE it!

Next up moulding and painting the door. Wish me luck!!

Mother’s Day… We need this.

Hi there friends!

Big week ahead, right?! It’s getting hot up in here, so I need to get the patio ready for relaxing. And this year, we’ll be hosting a Mother’s Day Linner… that’s a late lunch/early dinner. So perfect. I’m very excited.

Just a few nights ago, we were watching Superstore. Have y’all seen it? It’s freaking hilarious – even my boys think it’s funny and will point at our local Walmart thinking that Glenn works there. Annnnyyywwwaaayyy, in the episode one of the characters says, “Are you guys celebrating Mother’s Day? ‘Cause if your mom is anything like mine, then she needs this.” HELL YES, WE NEED THIS!

But now that I’m a mother and I’ve been through a few MD’s, I can honestly say that mom’s don’t need or want an extravagant gift or over the top planning. It’s about a little extra love… Look Mom, we got you your favorite coffee. Look Mom, we didn’t use your bathroom for the whole day or pee on your toilet seat or leave it up. Look Mom, we love you and appreciate you, even when you ask us to do the craziest things like brush our teeth or change our underwear.

Feed your mom something delicious, acknowledge that you need her in your life, perhaps surprise her with a small gift and you are GOOD!! Better than good, you will be the favorite you always knew you were.

So here are some things I would love… and what my 4 boys might be trying to tell me by picking them (since boys don’t show much emotion unless it involves baseball or farts).

1,3,10 – For you to wear to cheer me on every weekend and 4 nights a week.

2 – So that we may mark you, like a dog marks their territory.

4,10,12 – Because sometimes you look kinda ok and we’re not totally embarrassed by you.

6 – We are tired of hearing that your feet hurt.

7,15,16 – Refer to the above as to why you have no time to visit the spa, and we think you’d like to, but it’s never going to happen. So here’s some stuff so that again, you don’t embarrass us, and that we can secretly smell and open when you’re not looking.

5 – My dad says girls like twinkle lights, and this is a project he can do without my mom’s help.

8,11 – Because you like weird things, but one looks like a crazy doctor butt tool, so we like that.

13,14 – Can we say this? Mom, you look tired. You should take a nap…when you have time after washing our laundry and making us 8 snacks.

17 – Because you’re nicer after coffee and we’ve broken oh, so many mugs.

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY, MOM’S!! Who runs the world?? We do. Obviously. We do it all, in heels, wearing sunscreen, rolling in those dope minivans. We’re awesome.

Keep it up. And hang in there.

MomofBoysSweatshirt, Birthstone Bracelet,One Bad Mother Shirt, Pom-Pom Fedora, Diamond Lumbar Pillow, Tassel Duvet, Banda Fitflop, Eyelet Romper, Microderm Set, Voltage Detector, Baseball Mom Cap, Photoshop Software, DermaDoctor Serum, Solar Outdoor Lights, Denim Blazer, Black Honey Lipgloss